Who we are
Burnaby Family Life is proud to host and co-chair the Burnaby Intercultural Planning Table (BIPT). Since 2007, The Burnaby Intercultural Planning Table (BIPT) has been collaborating with immigrant and refugee service providers to create dialogue to identify the needs of newcomers and share resources that will enhance their integration and settlement in our community.
BIPT engages senior level representation from a broad range of institutions and community agencies that has resulted in improving the comfort, health, and standards of living of newcomers.
The LIP’s primary role is to bridge the gap between organizations that offer settlement services to newcomers without directly working with immigrants. This includes engaging and fostering partnerships with businesses, schools, employment agencies, hospitals, Burnaby Board of Trade, local government, and other community organizations that can speak into best practices to integrate newcomers for a more inclusive and welcoming community.
Burnaby is distinguished as an exceptionally welcoming and inclusive community.
The BIPT works collaboratively to facilitate the integration of immigrants and refugees.
Burnaby embraces cultural diversity.
Our Values
Members and the agencies they represent are committed to working together to achieve the goals established by the Table.
Members and the agencies they represent are committed to working together to achieve the goals established by the Table by continuous leadership and innovation.
Members are committed to the purpose and goals of the Table, to building an atmosphere of trust and to regular attendance and participation.
The BIPT conducts its work and initiatives with compassion for the settlement and integrations challenges faced by new immigrant and refugees and longer term residents.
Our Purpose
We are table designed to strengthen our ability to welcome immigrants who call Burnaby their new home.
Working collaboratively with partnered organizations and residents, we are shaping a better tomorrow by improving the integration of newcomers.
Together we’re enhancing the economic and social development and outcomes for individuals, families, and our community at large.
Researching and collecting resources with up-to-date information on diversity, migration, and immigration in Burnaby. Knowledge is power.
We will achieve this by:
Ensuring stakeholders have the most current data to assess community needs and make recommendations.
Helping create and coordinate a range of activities and events that will enhance the integration of immigrants in our community
Identify and address gaps in services and programs. Provide evidence and data to inform and influence all levels of government and stakeholder policy and program planning in pursuit for additional funding.
Engaging our community to embrace diversity and inclusion through education, and awareness creating a vibrant culture.
Collaborating and sharing best practices to the development of welcoming and inclusive communities.
Creating opportunities for engagement of the whole community.
Working together to help newcomers work, live, and thrive as active citizens, building stronger and healthier communities.
What is a Local Immigration Partnership?
Local immigration Partnerships (LIPs) are funded through the Department of Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) across Canada, with multiple LIPs in each province. The purpose of the LIPs is to enhance collaboration, coordination, and strategic planning at local level to make communities more welcoming and inclusive.
The LIPs act as the link between newcomers and service agencies. They do not deliver services directly to immigrants. Rather they build partnerships with organizations that offer services to newcomers and extend supports at a community-level through research and planning, that will help immigrants settle and integrate in their community.
Since the adoption of the LIPs, they have helped initiate innovative approaches to newcomer services in communities across the country through diverse membership partners. These members include libraries, educational institutions & schools, health services, employment services, chambers of commerce, employers, local government, local community organizations, neighbourhood houses and women, child and senior services, and other organizations that interact with newcomers regularly and can make recommendations about their needs.
A look at the community of Burnaby.
According to Census 2021 57% of the population not born in Canada 51% are immigrants an increase of 7.5% to 2016 and 6% are non-permanent residents. 67% of the residents identify themselves as visible minorities and the second highest percentage of visible minorities in metro Vancouver. There are 120 languages spoken in Burnaby.
Burnaby is only one of eight cities in Canada without a ‘majority ethnic group’. Burnaby is the third highest ‘refugee receiving’ city in BC and receives a significant number of ‘refugee claimants’.
The city of Burnaby continues to be one of the largest recipients of refugees in British Columbia. Many refugees require significant supports to meet their needs, as they come from some of the most impoverished and troubled parts of world.
Burnaby’s increasing diversity has made the city vibrant, culturally rich, and dynamic. However, the rapid influx of newcomers has also created some considerable challenges for community service providers. Many organizations struggle to provide appropriate first language support, adequate resources, services, and programs geared towards helping newcomers successfully integrate and feel welcome. The Local Immigration Partnership is crucial to Burnaby’s growth and development.